
FastFiber considers that the existence of a sustainability policy is mandatory to guarantee the company’s long-term viability, development and growth and assumes environmentalsocial and governance (ESG) best practices as a part of sound business management, preserving the Company’s reputation and integrity.

Creating a culture of sustainability requires, in addition to the concern with economic performance, efficient risk management and responsible decision-making that takes into account the well-being of the stakeholders, the community and the environment.

FastFiber makes efforts to minimize the negative impacts on natural resources and the environment, committing itself to the continuous improvement of the ESG performance of the operations and the fulfillment of all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The ESG Policy is based on the principles and values ​​of ethics and integrity contained in the Company’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, that guides FastFiber’s activity, and which the Company believes to be the basis for the establishment and consolidation of solid and of trustful relations with all stakeholders.

The Code of Ethics and Conduct includes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) objectives, namely the anti-discrimination and harassment prevention policy. It also deals with corruption prevention measures under the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption and Related Offences (RGPC), under which the Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions (PPR) was developed. The Code of Ethics and Conduct also includes information on the whistleblower channel and enforcement mechanisms, as well as rules on the protection of internal and external whistleblowers. External stakeholders can report any situation or suspected irregularity by emailing two members of the Management Team (,,, and If the target of the complaint is a member of the Management Team, it should be sent to the CEO and General Counsel. If the concern involves the CEO or General Counsel, the complaint should be sent to the Chair of the Board of Directors, via e-mail to:

Check here the Annual Assessment Report for 2023, which is the result of the compliance with the obligations of the Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions (PPR).

FastFiber ESG Goals 2025 and onwards


  • Maintain the equivalent average monthly water consumed in 2025: 0,413m3/occupant;
  • Achieve an average landfill waste diversion rate of 45%, to be monitored monthly in 2025;
  • Achieve the following Scope 1+2 (market based) Emissions Reduction Factors considering 2023 baseline of 53 tCO2eq:
Emissions Reduction Factor0,800,800,700,60
  • Roadmap to achieve the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050:

By the end of 2025

  • Carry out more comprehensive emission calculations, namely in relation to indirect and value chain emissions (future coverage);
  • Analyse the opportunity to submit to the SBTi commitment program and establish the respective action plan, if applicable.

By the end of 2026

  • Based on the performance of more comprehensive emissions calculations:
    • Redefine baseline and scope 1+2 emission reduction targets, if necessary, as well as the respective action plan;
    • Decide on the relevance of setting a specific Scope 3 emission reduction target and its action plan;
  • Taking into account the previous objectives, check any gaps and define the actions needed to achieve the objective of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

By the end of 2027

  • Have a car fleet with a proportion of combustion vehicles equal to or less than 50%.

By the end of 2035

  • Have a car fleet with a proportion of combustion vehicles equal to 0%.


  • Have at least 2500 training hours per year, gender balanced and including training on ESG in 2025;
  • Have a minimum of 10% of employees under the age of 30 by 2025;
  • Zero accidents at the office with medical leave;
  • Zero accidents at the construction;
  • Implement the action plan to address psychological risks developed in 2024.


  • Not to be subject to any material complaint;
  • Not to be subject to any formal litigation process;
  • Not to be considered responsible for any wrongful activity reported through the whistle blower protection program.

Highlights of 2024 ESG Report

FastFiber annually produces an ESG Report that analyzes the Company’s activity across different aspects – Environmental, Social, and Governance – with the following key accomplishments in 2024:


  • Maintenance of Environmental Management certification under the ISO 14001:2015 standard, reinforcing the Company’s commitment to sustainability.
  • Reduction of average monthly water consumption per occupant by at least 10%, achieving a consumption rate of 0.361 m³/occupant/month.
  • Establishment and achievement of an average landfill waste diversion rate of at least 35%, with an actual diversion of 52%.
  • Reduction of Scope 1+2 (market-based) carbon emissions by at least 10% compared to the 2023 baseline, surpassing the target of 47.7 tCO₂ with a total of 39.39 tCO₂.
  • Continuation of the transition to a more sustainable fleet, reducing the proportion of diesel vehicles to 75%, supported by replacing five diesel vehicles with electric ones.


  • Maintenance of Occupational Health and Safety Management certification under the ISO 45001:2019 standard.
  • Completion of a psychological risk assessment and development of a corresponding action plan.
  • Zero recorded office accidents resulting in medical leave.
  • Completion of 3,135 employee training hours, surpassing the annual target of 2,500 hours, with gender-balanced training and ESG-specific topics.
  • Ensuring that at least 10% of employees were under the age of 30 by year-end.
  • Launch of development and succession plans for the executive management team, focusing on strategic leadership enhancement and long-term organizational sustainability.
  • Launch of development and succession plans for all employees, addressing growth potential and succession risks.
  • Continuation of team-building initiatives, including corporate events, to foster community spirit and collaboration.


  • Successful maintenance of Quality Management certification under the ISO 9001 standard.
  • Preparation for CSRD compliance through double materiality assessment and gap analysis.
  • Revision of the Code of Ethics and Conduct to optimize content on corruption prevention.
  • Absence of material complaints, formal litigation, or accountability for wrongful activities reported through the whistleblower protection program.
  • Alignment of governance procedures with third-party engagement due diligence processes, including updates to the Procurement Policy.
  • Strengthening of cybersecurity measures, including a second external assessment guided by Booz Allen, ensuring robust protection of sensitive data.
  • Publication of an Annual Report on the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption, reinforcing transparency and accountability.

Sustainable Development Goals – SDG

The goals defined by FastFiber regarding ESG are in line with the topics chosen by the UN for the promotion of sustainable development (SDG). FastFiber identifies 7 SDG for which it considers having a positive direct impact:

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Fiber for All

Address:  Rua João de Lemos, nº3 Loja
1300-324 Lisboa
Telephone:  +351 210 517 700

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